Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

How To Rename Same File

The following trick is very easy, but sometimes we forgot, tips this time of change the same file and change it

When you upload photos from your digital camera, they often have a recognizable name. You can rename the files at once similar to the following procedure.

This also works for renaming other types of files.

1.Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or, open the folder containing the files you want to rename.

2.Select the files you want to rename. If the file you want are not adjacent in the file list, press and hold down CTRL and click each item to select it.

3.On the File menu, click Rename.

4.Type new name, then press Enter.

All the files in the series will be named in sequence using the new name you type. For example, if you type My Files, the first will be named Birthday and subsequent files in the series will be called My Files (1), My Files (2), and so on. To determine the starting number for the series, type the starting number in parentheses after the new file name. The files in the series will be numbered in sequence starting with the number you typed. For example, if you type My Files (1), other files will be named My Files (2), My Files (3), and the same for the next, Easy right? Good luck.

]Source: romescopurba.com/nice-sharing.blogspot.com

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